
25 Best Henry Ford Quotes - UnicMinds

25 Finest Quotes of Mr. Henry Ford

Born on a small farm in rural Michigan, Henry Ford’s humble beginnings were no match for his ambition. Ford quickly created a manufacturing dynasty, bringing affordable cars to the masses and forever changing America and the American workplace. Without a doubt, Henry Ford is one of the greatest people that walked the earth.

In this post, we will walk through some of the finest quotations from this great person.

Quote #1:

The greatest thing we can produce is character. Everything else can be taken from us, but not our character.

Quote #2:

Whenever you get the idea that you are ‘fixed’ or that anything is ‘fixed’ for life, you’d better get ready for a sudden change.

Quote #3:

To resent efficiency is a mark of inefficiency.

Quote #4:

Any man can learn anything he will, but no man can teach except to those who want to learn.

Quote #5:

That man is best educated who knows the greatest number of things that are so, and who can do the greatest number of things to help and heal the world.

Quote #6:

Two classes of people lose money; those who are too weak to guard what they have; those who win money by trick. They both lose in the end.

Quote #7:

The gifted man bears his gifts into the world, not for his own benefit, but for the people among whom he is placed; for the gifts are not his, he himself is a gift to the community.

Quote #8:

People are never so likely to be wrong as when they are organized. And they never have so little freedom. Perhaps that is why the people at large keep their freedom. People can be manipulated only when they are organized.

Quote #9:

Profits made out of the distress of the people are always much smaller than profits made out of the most lavish service of the people at the lowest prices that competent management can make possible

Quote #10:

With all the wealth of the world at hand, there are human beings who hunger, whole nations who suffer cold. The judgment for this condition, for misusing Nature’s gifts, is the judgment upon man’s failure, man’s unsteadiness. Leadership is the thing.

Quote #11:

Many people are busy trying to find better ways of doing things that should not have to be done at all. There is no progress in merely finding a better way to do a useless thing.

Quote #12:

Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die.

Quote #13:

If the people really set their minds on anything it is impossible to prevent their getting what they want.

Quote #14:

I do not believe that material accumulation is the whole of success, and on the other hand I do not believe that true success ever excludes a sufficient possession of wealth-but wealth as a means, not as an end.

Quote #15:

You cannot build your reputation based on what you’re going to do.

Quote #16:

The satisfaction that arises from honest accomplishment is of far more value in the promotion of human happiness than the thrill that comes with the realization of materialistic aspirations.

Quote #17:

An educated person, I think, is one who not only knows a lot, but knows how to do a lot of things.

Quote #18:

The basically simple things are best, whether it’s automobiles or diets or philosophy.

Quote #19:

Humans have a habit of chasing the clouds and leaving what is in front of them.

Quote #20:

A low wage business is always insecure.

Quote #21:

Only one thing makes prosperity, and that is work.

Quote #22:

Anyone who does anything useful will not go unpaid.

Quote #23:

Should a man quit at 40 he is failure-Retire at that age is sorry failure.

Quote #24:

If we could get all religions together on a common purpose-the elimination of jealousies and the things that make men covet another’s belongings, we would be a long way toward the goal of outmoding war, depression and poverty.

Quote #25:

If we had more justice there would be less need for charity.

Bonus Quote:

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Intemperate Eating are the most harmful things for humanity.

Hope this helps provide an insight into the great man, thank you.

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