
Homeschooling Kids in India

Everything About Homeschooling in India

With well educated parents being at home, there is a paradigm shift towards homeschooling in the top cities of India. Homeschooling is a method of educating your kids wherein parents take charge of teaching children at the comfort of their homes with a fixed planned schedule.

Homeschooling is far more common in other countries than in India. It is still sparsely found in India, but it is gaining momentum in metros. By far, homeschooling is most famous in India in Mumbai and the other metros are just picking up pace in this category. If you’re a parent in India considering homeschooling your child, you’re likely wondering where to start.

Is Homeschooling Legal in India?

Homeschooling is legal in India. The Indian government acknowledges each child’s ‘RIGHT TO EDUCATION’, and therefore the Indian judicial system does not hold homeschooling against any section or provision (sections 18 and 19) of the Right To Education (RTE) 2009.

How can my child appear for the board exams?

Homeschooled students can appear for board examinations conducted by the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) after they turn 14 years old, or they may opt for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exam, an internationally recognized qualification for secondary students that makes them eligible for college in India.

Your child can affiliate with any of the schools, and appear for the exams as if the child is a student of the school at a nominal fee. Obviously, he was not taught by the school, and the performance of the child is the parent’s responsibility. Some of the below online schools are ready to partner with and help homeschoolers in terms of recognition and accreditation.

Which syllabus to follow?

Homeschoolers in India are not required to register with any authorities as homeschooling is not yet regulated by the government. Homeschooling is a valid educational option in India, and it is legal. However, it is not without its challenges, and homeschooling parents must be prepared to take on significant responsibility for their children’s education. The CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) does not officially recognize homeschooling as a valid form of education. However, the board has stated that homeschooled students can take the Class X and XII board exams as private candidates.  

But, do not worry, there are other curriculum options for homeschooling in India include:

  • National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS): NIOS is a national open school run by the Government of India. It offers a wide range of courses from elementary to senior secondary level. NIOS is a popular choice for homeschooling families because it is flexible and affordable.
  • Cambridge International Examinations (CIE): CIE is a British international curriculum that is offered by schools all over the world. CIE offers a variety of courses from early childhood to pre-university level. CIE is a good choice for homeschooling families who want their children to have a globally recognized curriculum.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB): IB is a Swiss international curriculum that is offered by schools all over the world. IB offers a variety of programs for students aged 3 to 19. IB is a good choice for homeschooling families who want their children to have a rigorous and challenging curriculum.

Homeschooling Resources

If you’re interested in homeschooling, there are a few groups and websites (primarily on Facebook) that can help provide support, answer your questions, and assist you along the way.

Homeschooling can be hard and it needs routines

Homeschooling can be stressful and hard sometimes. Your kids can revolt from time to time. As a homeschool parent and as an individual, you will discover that as the day goes on you’ll have less and less patience to do challenging activities. So, structure your day for the most difficult activities when you have the most energy. Have a routine for your mornings and evenings specifically, you can teach your children in both these times as per your convenience.

Why homeschool your child?

Some of the exclusive benefits of homeschooling your child are:

  • 1:1 attention and personalized learning
  • Learning from a highly educated practitioner
  • Taking things slowly and internalizing learnings wholistically
  • Learning under no pressure
  • Learning with multiple integrated methods
  • Involving, enabling, and developing deep interests from childhood
  • Learning from own family’s genetic strengths and weaknesses

Tips to step into Homeschooling

  • Let go of comparisons – When you’re homeschooling your children, the most important thing is to not compare our kids with other children. If you compare, then you’re most likely going to freak out that the school going kids are far better in taking up challenges, but that is not true – the curve is just different. 
  • Read out aloud to your kids – Reading out aloud has many benefits to homeschooling children. Firstly, it establishes a teacher-pupil relationship between you and your child. It challenges your child cognitively to improve aptitude, speech skills, comprehension, and vocabulary, which are important life skills across subjects.
  • Customize it for your child – Obviously, this is one of the main reasons to homeschool your child. Use those favorite legos of your kid to teach them something interesting like about geometry and shapes. Help them write a small piece of code that can enable them to learn about the physical dynamics of space geometry and screen geometry.

Sample Homeschooling Routine for your child

Here is a simple homeschooling routine for your reference:

  • Breakfast
  • Breakfast Cleanup & Simple Chores
  • Get Dressed/Brush Teeth
  • Go for a Morning Walk (everyday if possible)
  • Read aloud
  • Do a Couple Short Learning Lessons
  • Do Hands On Learning Activities
  • Eat Lunch
  • Clean up Lunch
  • Do Something Fun, Artsy or Crafty
  • Small Snack
  • Play Outside if Weather Allows
  • Dinner Prep Together
  • Eat Dinner Together
  • Family Fun (movie,games, walk the dog)
  • Family Prayer and Devotions
  • Bath, Book, Bed and Breathe

What does RTE 2009 say?

  • The provisions of RTE put an obligation especially for Government schools and States to accept every school-age child (between 6 to 14 years) in school in the age-appropriate grade. Schools admit children provided there is a vacancy. Usually, as there is an over-supply of private schools in many locations, finding a school that accepts may not be a challenge, albeit at times you may not get a school of choice or may need to join a relatively expensive school. 
  •  If the child has dropped out for Grade 1 and wants to join back in Grade 2, the child should be admitted in Grade 2 without having the obligation to have a Transfer certificate or exam certificates and the preparation for the next grade would be facilitated by the school. 
  • Alternative schools or learning centers can be more receptive to homeschool families.

Do you need a certification to homeschool children?

There is no mandatory requirement to have a certification to homeschool children. However, if you want to take a training course and do a basic homeschool certification, it might actually help you to think in an organized manner to teach children. Knowing various subjects is one factor, but teaching kids daily is an altogether different matter, and you will quickly realize that it is easier thought than done. 

Learning from the same person could become boring for your child and you too. If you aren’t inclined to learn a new subject or topic to teach the child or if your child wants a change, hire an expert tutor in that area. All you need is love to facilitate their learning as part of your role as parents naturally. 

What about exams for homeschooled children?

Homeschoolers can appear for the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams as private candidates, or write the Class 10/12 Examinations of the National Institute of Open Learning ( NIOS ) which gives students the option to get a degree or certificate and is conducted at private centers.

Spending time with your children has actually become a luxury today that only some could afford. Our ancestors did better in terms of balancing life and kids. Today, it has actually become more challenging for parents to manage even far fewer kids than what our ancestors had in general. But, all is possible with grit and generosity. I truly hope this homeschooling post has given you the boost of confidence you need to take on the challenge of homeschooling your kiddos! If you need more encouragement and tips or have questions that we didn’t cover, then write to us at infoatunicminds.com.

Hope this is useful, thank you.

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