

The Travelling Salesman Problem

The Travelling Salesman Problem

The travelling salesman problem is a popular optimization problem in computer-science and mathematics. All students of computer science will study this problem at some point in their academic paths. The motivation behind the Travelling Salesman Problem is the problem faced by a salesperson who needs to visit a number of customers located in different cities

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Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities

Teaching Strategies for Children with Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities in children can be a significant challenge in a child’s learning path. However, with the right knowledge, approach, patience, and expectations, it can be managed. Children with learning disabilities show positive learning capabilities when techniques like multisensory approach, probing, prompting, pictures, augmented learning, peer teaching, and cooperative learning are used. Following are some

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Everything about the PARCC test

The PARCC Test – ELA & Math

Based on the Common Core State Standards, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)is the District of Columbia’s annual assessment of Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA).  Each spring, students from grade 3 to grade 8 and high school take state assessments in ELA and Mathematics. The assessments measure the ability

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All Education Assessment Programs in Ohio

Education Assessment Programs in Ohio

In this post, we will discuss the various assessment programs in the state of Ohio. This includes programs for Kindergarten Readiness to assessments for school performance. These various assessments are categorized into district assessments, state assessments, and national assessments.  District Assessments NWEA MAP – a growth test designed to measure academic growth and progress of

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