
Simplicity as a virtue for teachers

Simplicity, an important virtue for teachers

Simplicity is the mother of all virtues for it encompasses everything else that is important. Simplicity is a characteristic that talks about the individual’s freedom, knowledge, humility, big picture and deep thinking, humanness, meaning, temperance, empathy, patience, conscientiousness, preservation, and protection.

When you gather a lot of knowledge in life, you’ll realize that if you cannot communicate it simply to others, then all that knowledge stays only with yourself. It cannot be transferred. Teaching, which is essentially transfer of knowledge and applicability, therefore needs the teachers to be able to be articulate in the simplest and effective manner. Teaching essentially requires the teacher to eliminate the unnecessary and focus on the necessary.  In all forms, may it be the presentability, the communication, or the tools and methods used, all of it should implement simplicity as a philosophy in educating your pupils for they’re learning from you everything you’re presenting.

As teachers, simplicity helps us to declutter the noise and focus on the main point that the student needs to understand. And, it is easier said than done. It is always easy to complicate something, but it is really difficult to simplify something. To put in something simply requires hours and days of work in the background, unlike to put something very complicated out there. For example, teachers prepare for hours before a class to ensure that the student is presented with the concepts in the most logical, creative, and critical-thinking fashion for the students to assimilate in an effective manner.

Simplicity only comes with extraordinary practice. It doesn’t come with being a novice at something. It comes with practicing for hours and hours, finally understanding the main essence of something and then we could present it to someone in a simple manner. It helps individuals to practice minimalism and essentialism. It helps to maintain a restrained attitude towards materialism, consumerism, and vanity. People often think simplicity is a lack of ambition, but fail to recognize that simplicity is about eliminating the unnecessary and unproductive stuff.

simplicity - unicminds

Simplicity helps us to live more clearly and happily, and hence to teach very clearly. Remember, less is more.

Hope this helps, thank you.

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