
Kid Friendly Museums in Canberra

Kid Friendly Museums in Canberra

Canberra, the capital city of Australia, is home to many kid-friendly museums. These sites help children learn and be inspired about various areas of science and technology with plenty of fun and family time in the process. These are the must visit places for a family looking to spend time with their loved little ones on a learning day trip.

Canberra Railway Museum

Canberra Railway Museum

Put up in Kingston, the Canberra Railway Museum is one of the must visit attractions for families with children. If your children love locomotives and trains, then this is a place guaranteed to gain interest in their curious grey cells. 

National Gallery of Australia

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Established in 1967, the National Gallery of Australia is one of the world’s largest art museums in the world. One can take part in creative artist-led exhibitions and access art through a range of services, facilities, and programs. 

National Museum of Australia

National Museum of Australia

Learn about Australia’s history and culture through the museum’s permanent exhibitions. Immerse yourself in Australian history, learn about Australia’s convict history and Aboriginal heritage, and uncover the truths behind all your favorite Aussie traditions. The museum is very accessible within only a few minutes away from the city centre.

National Dinosaur Museum

National Dinosaur Museum

Established in 1993, the museum’s exhibits take you through time, from animals that have existed since the beginning of the earth to those that still exist today. Through this, you can understand the evolution of life and see the historical changes of dinosaurs and learn about the prehistoric period of life.

Questacon, Canberra

Questacon, Canberra

From a lightning simulator to an earthquake simulator, this center has more than 200 exhibits explaining and demystifying science for kids and young minds. Their aim is to promote greater understanding and awareness of science and technology within the community in a way that is fun, interactive, and relevant. Boeing has recently set up a space explaining the innovation and challenges in space exploration. The earthquake simulator is a major success among kids where kids learn about the origins of earthquakes and its impact on man-made structures and the safety precautions to be taken.

Hope this is useful, thank you.

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