
Ethical Hacking & Cybersecurity Quiz Questions

Basic Ethical Hacking & CyberSecurity Quiz for Students

In this post, we look at the quiz questions that students have to take in the form of a test at the end of the Ethical Hacking course. The test covers questions on basics of computer networks, protocols, encryption methods, hashing, encoding formats, binary and hexadecimal representations, popular protocols and more as per the course syllabus.

Question 1:

What is a three way TCP handshake?

  1. SYN, ACK, SYN
  2. ACK, SYN, ACK
  3. ACK, SYN, SYN

Question 2:

In symmetric encryption, how many keys are required to communicate between ‘N’ computers/devices/people?

  1. N
  2. 2*N
  3. N*(N-1)/2
  4. N/2

Question 3:

Which of the following is a tool used to observe packet data?

  1. Hexdump
  2. Nslookup
  3. WireShark
  4. DailyRoute

Question 4:

Which of the following is correct about UTF-8 encoding?

  1. UTF-8 uses 1 byte per code-point
  2. UTF-8 uses 2 bytes per code-point, and sometimes 4 bytes per code-point
  3. UTF-8 uses 3 bytes per code-point, and sometimes 4 bytes per code-point.
  4. UTF-8 uses 1,2,3,or 4 bytes per code-point.

Question 5:

What is the full-form of a DOS attack?

  1. Disk Operating System
  2. Disk of Service
  3. Denial of Service
  4. Denial Operational System

Hope this is a useful view on the tests of Ethical Hacking & CyberSecurity Course. To learn more, refer to UnicMinds Ethical Hacking & CyberSecurity Course.

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