

Graph Paper for Kids

The Graph Paper

Graph papers are an ever present thing when you’re learning mathematics as a young student. Also called as Grid Paper or Squared Paper, a Graph Paper is a writing paper printed with fine lines, vertical and horizontal, making up a grid of numerous squares. Graph papers are available as books or even as loose sheets

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SSL HTTPS TCP Handshake in Wireshark

SSL Certificate & HTTPS

An SSL certificate is a file installed on the server of the website. It is simply a data file containing the public key that is used to encrypt the data being sent to that machine. SSL certificates are issued by certificate authorities, and therefore, browsers consider them trustworthy. We learnt about the TCP 3 Way

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Block-based Coding Quiz

Block Coding Quiz for Kids

Block coding programs help children learn the logic and reasoning of programming without getting burdened by the syntax of a programming language. Children can focus on the important aspects such as the flow of logic and the basic tenets of programming such as variables, loops, events, and conditional statements. Below is a simple block coding

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