

Robocode Ireland

Robocode Ireland

Robocode is a competition where teams code a battle tank in Java. Various battle tanks from various teams will compete against each other and a winner is decided. The prospect of coding virtual tanks to compete against each other is an attractive problem to crack to both entry level and experienced programmers in Java, while

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Macros in C Programming - UnicMinds

Macros in C Programming

The #define Directive for Macros In C, we define macros using “#define” preprocessor directive. Preprocessor directives in C always start with a “#” symbol. Preprocessor directives are used to accomplish macro expansion, file inclusions, conditional compilation, and other directives. Naming of Macros As a convention, macro names are written in upper case. Programs are easier

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Morse Code Explained to Kids - UnicMinds

Morse Code for Kids

Morse Code is a communication system using dots and dashes. The advantage of Morse code is it can be transmitted by light, sound or in writing. Cadets at military academies across the world were taught Morse code. Morse code works whether flashing a spotlight or blinking your eyes – or even tapping on a smartphone

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